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Deleted post

+1 NTR and sharing would be great to have. 


You need to remove the "2D" tag

Deleted 350 days ago

Changed for a 3D, thanks for the comment! ^^

I just came across this game through a cross-reference from another Patreon-page: Does this game feature any lesbian content? I ask as it isn't mentioned in the description anywhere but some screen shots suggest that may be the case. It is my favorite kink, so my question to anybody who played this game: does it feature such content and how frequent / prominent? Thank you for your feedback!

I enjoyed this game but there are some inconsistences for example Yui when you first get a glimps of her nude its side on but you can tell she has a nice bush, but then you finally get with her fully and shaved..... not to mention most of the women all have the same copy and past attributes including pussy lips.

Americans might shave all well most, Asian's generally don't especially Chinese and Japanese as its a sign of fertility and women hood.

trust me been with allot of asian girls nearly none of them shaved, in fact that was a huge tell tale if they slept with a westerner, because due to we all live in America "kinda culture wise" I live in Australia, but yeah asians don't shave plus since your using nearly the same body parts might as well mix it up.

Also i was excited about the sex club but it was no repeatable that could have opened up another game mechanic i hope you add in future.

The story is good, the translations work well, except sometimes despite the rename of the main i think somewhere in the code it goes back to original name.

Anyway I look forward to updates and i hope the girls get some variance especially on the bush, actually some women are trimmed now days so its kind of making a comeback which is great for me.


Would you eat a cookie that had hair all over it?

I rest my case.

Asians also stain their teeth black as a sign of wealth and beauty.

I don't think being 100% culturally accurate is a big "want" per-say in games of this nature.

To each their own.

no soymilk your case is flawed its oppressed people like you believe all people should conform to your standard, we are all tired of seeing this, plus the fact remains all had copied and pasted genitals, every women is different and you would know that if you looked at more then just 1 women.

also giving people a choice is what should be a thing, you might not like it, but others will.

How do I use the Cheats, Can someone please tell m

You can find it in "Preferences"

When will theProject ATMOSPHERE 0.4-P3 with hot fixes be released on

I have paid $5 for the game already.

Thank you

I have now played this game several times.  Decisions can be critical if you do not want to miss something.  Getting to every path is probably impossible if you only play the game once.  It is all worth it.  This game probably has the best renders and best animations of any game I have ever played.  The story is also fantastic.  If you are a patron you get even more side stories.  The game costs $5.00.  It would be a bargain at $20.00.  I have no doubt that anyone would enjoy it.

Thank you, Merlin; your comments are always welcome. ^^

(1 edit)

so everytime that I get to the part where jesse is waking up , her eyes open and the screen fades to black and then the story reverts me back to going to yuis country house. is this the end of part one or is this a bug? I even tried downloading part 2 and even that download is reversing back after black screen and not letting me advance. I'm not sure whats going on here

If you still have the problem could you stop by the Bugs channel on our Discord server and explain the issue? Let’s see if we can all help you out!

(1 edit) (+1)

Is there a pregnancy scene ?

I have gone through every path which is nearly impossible but at this point there is no pregnancy scene.

harem or one girl kinda story?

Many girls, depending on your decisions.

My computer says this game is a virus. None of the others had issues. Be wary of this one

(1 edit)

A skim of the Ren'Py code (at least in the Mac version) reveals nothing that looks unusual to me, so if there is a virus, it's probably in the wrapper code.  Just run it with a clean copy of the Ren'Py engine and you should be fine.  But it's probably a false positive.


I'm having the known "Can't be opened" problem on mac again - tried the "chmod x" workaround and it doesnt work...

Download the Ren'Py SDK and run it from there.  8.2 seems to work fine with this one.

Thanks - Game works but I get an Error with the storybook (in Renpy):

No idea.  I'm on Sonoma; it could be a difference in what python modules are installed.  Try

pip3.9 install urllib2

and see if that helps, or if not, try turning off analytics.

(1 edit)

Is there a pregnancy scene ?

No, and currently there’s nothing planned in that regard.

can have chinese?

Hello, thank you very much for playing our game. At the moment we only have the game translated into English and Russian, but we are already working on a Spanish version and hope to bring the game to other languages in the future.

I can help with simple translation for Chinese

What Tier of patreon unlocks storybook?

Hello, thank you very much for playing our game. You need to have the GREEN PASS to access to the storybook.



Especially after "anonymous data" request.

For some reason the quality of the images is very low, does anyone know how to solve this?
<img src="">

Mac Version doesn't run (can't be opened) - Mid2017 iMac, 3,6ghz quad i7, 16gbRam, Radeon pro 555 2gb, Ventura 13.5.2

Right-click the app 
 • Click Show Package Contents 
 • Open the Contents folder  
• Open the MacOS folder 
 • Open a new Finder window.  
• Go to your Applications folder.  
• Open the Utilities folder  
• Open Terminal 
 • Type in (without the quotes) "chmod +x " 
• Go to the first Finder window without hitting enter in Terminal 
 • Drag the file with the same name as the app (and without an extension), and drop it into the Terminal window.  
• Click on the Terminal window and hit enter.

Worked - thanks!


I played the 0.4-P1 version and although there were unopened pictures in Amy's gallery, they did not open at the end of the game. How can I access Amy's scenes? Or are those scenes opened in the 0.4-P2 version?

Hello, thank you very much for playing our game. The images in the gallery are activated depending on the decisions you make with the character in question.

What is the differences between 0.4-P1 and 0.4-P2. What's extra in P2?

Hello, thank you very much for playing our game. Two more days and new scenes with diferentes of our characthers.



i having an issue launching the game. my iMac say the app can't open..!!
first i download the game from F95zone. then i try download from here.. and all the same..

i try 2 methods i learn from someone in f95 for another game it doesn't work..!!?? even it worked for that game.

so anyone have a solution here!?

thank you

Same here

Right-click the app  • Click Show Package Contents  • Open the Contents folder  • Open the MacOS folder  • Open a new Finder window.  • Go to your Applications folder.  • Open the Utilities folder  • Open Terminal  • Type in (without the quotes) "chmod +x " • Go to the first Finder window without hitting enter in Terminal  • Drag the file with the same name as the app (and without an extension), and drop it into the Terminal window.  • Click on the Terminal window and hit enter.

Thanks man.  it's work. and actually i do it the same way  but i put ( chmod ) with different letters and i drag the first file in the folder..  which i learn form a guy in F96 website for another game ..


does it bother anyone else that the text is all in italics?

dev i just beat the current content felt longer than a season 1 tbh are you planning on making v0.5 season 1 and the rest season2 

can anyone guide me how to pass day 21?ther's no task and nothing to do.i can't go on anymore. 

Deleted post

u got respect from me bcz its mediafire and not on mega cuz mega sucks

Do you use mediafire instead of MEGA!? I already love you just for that.


is harem not gonna be among them?


Hello. I purchased and started playing this one in Nov. of 2022. I really enjoyed the gameplay, the story, and the imagery. All of it is top-notch (aside from some of the glitchy dialog that's likely due to the translation from Russian, which I can overlook because the story quality more than compensates for it). I finished the update in Nov. of 2022.  Fast forward to this week (Nov. 2023) where I downloaded the 0.4-P2 update. I only experienced about 15 or 20 minutes of new content in this release. Is that accurate? Or am I missing something?

I'm not criticizing, I just want to make sure I didn't skip over something or miss something. The final part of the update dropped me off in the free roam mode, but I could only go to two locations and it was nighttime. I couldn't access the briefcase and couldn't interact with anyone. When I attempted to open my laptop in the bedroom, the screen flickered but nothing happened.

(1 edit)

Hi. I have a question. Do you maybe know if I pay these $3.50 USD will I be having access to future paid version of it or is it only for version 0.4-p2 and when 0.5 will be released I will have to pay again (without waiting till it goes public)?

Maybe it's me but I wasn't a fan of this game. Probably due to the sci-fi feel of it. I could tell that the devs put a lot of time in to the development of this game & that much is greatly appreciated. Just not my cup of tea. Played maybe 10 minutes of it & quit. Wish I could get a refund...

Hi, biggyzee

Sorry for late response - it's very sadly that you don't like our game.

Anyway - thanks for your rewiew, your time and good wishes to our team. 

P.S. Try contact i think there is the way to refund here.

Thanks for the reply. It's ok. I know you put time into creating the game & you do deserve the support for your hard work :)

(1 edit)

Just how much do those major choices affect the storyline, cause im torn on the first one.

man why am I like this?

Hi, Longjohn589

The major choices strongly influences the storyline - that's why it's the Major. 

So please be carefull and think twice before you answer.

Just small settings in the game you can turn cheats on but what it actually means? Because I did not find anywhere any cheat codes or even anything in-game where you could insert said cheat code...

Also about the game is only the bonus image gallery or is there some event gallery where you can replay whole events with the girls? 

Lastly the game interface has some icons in the middle on top...there are settings, map, bios for characters and bonus image gallery but than there is one icon which looks like briefcase or something but is grayed out. What is that icon and will it be unlocked if I will make more progress in the story?

P.S. I am currently not that far into the game story so if some functions will get unlocked later in the game story than I am sorry for my stupid questions...

I am playing on android platform and the latest version of game on itch (0.4-P2)

Hi, StarhunterCZ

1) The Cheats checkbox (means you become a cheater in relationships with girls) in the game preferences disables the ability to choose girls, or in other words, enables the so-called "harem mode". 

This option is under development, so we are hiding it without specifying what it does. In the final version of the game it will work as we intended. But for now, it may have bugs.

You can read more about cheat mode in this developer log: link.

2) Yes, we have plans to add a replay scene gallery - and we're already working on it, but we don't have enough people, so progress is slow.

3) Don't worry, you didn't miss anything - the gray icon with the briefcase is one of our next features we plan to add to the game, but for now (at the end of 0.4-P2) it's closed - sorry but i can talk about it now.

Deleted 209 days ago

Hi, Canngrim

We are happy with any help we can get - if you are intrested you can DM me in our Discord: here's invite

Hi there is the pregnancy content in game?

Hi, there FadeSeeker

Short answer is yes - it will be in the game. But it's not completed for now.

If you need more complex answer: we talk about pregnancy roots in one of our august dev logs - here's link for it

hello Dr.MAD Unfortunately the external link that you provided for the game does not allow me to download your game Please can you let me know if there is an alternative way to download your game for free Thanks

Hello, CraftyParty1277

Sorry for late response if it still actual please DM me in Discord we will fix that.

Discord invite

how do I show Phoebe her room?? matter where i look in the game, I can't find her, and I have no idea what to even do to finish this task

I'm hav8ng the exact same issue, dont wanna do the the jesse task before doing that one. 

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